Friday Concoction
Hey, have I told you we're going to move? Every couple years - that's been the trend up 'til now. If Missoula was shaped like a giraffe, we would be living in its eyeball. Did you think I was going to say bum? I thought about it, but that wouldn't have been spacially correct. And plus, Sheesh! the bum is obviously East Missoula. So anyway, we'd like to live more in the ribs area. We mostly means me, because Jim thinks the eyeball is fine with all its beautiful lashes and views of the neck-al regions. But the rib area (here ends the metaphor) is a gorgeous tree-lined community surrounding the University. During election period it's full of signs of people I'd vote for, the parks are close, I can walk the kids to and from school, and if we go out on the town we can walk home (this was a huge selling point for Jim). It's urban living in a small town. Have I said our neighborhood association doesn't allow election signs? It's pure fascism up here in the eyeball.
Links and Random Section:
- This is a cool marble track building set I bought Madeleine for Christmas. Prairie Dawn asked for the link, and it's worth putting up again, because I love it, she loves it, and so far the baby hasn't swallowed any marbles.
- Yesterday Madeleine was trying to give Quinn his binky, commanding him to "Thuck! Thuck" (she has a lisp). I heard a little thump, then "Pooey, I thaid THUCK not THIT!!"
- Have you seen this old video? Are they doing the same experiments in the White House? Or South Dakota? Yes - notice the bunching.
- Does anyone remember reading a post about a mom that bought a parentling book with something about "Strong-Willed Child" in the title? I can't remember who's post it was, but want to ask her about the book...
- I'm speechless. This is the prettiest thing I've seen. Maybe ever. Are you even kidding me how pretty it is?
I love sandcastles and snowpeople. The first, my brother Tobin and I made on the Oregon Coast when I was 12 (eek! 21 years ago!). The second, Madeleine and I made last year (it looks like her hands are behind her back because the other side is another person holding an armful of snowballs). Madeleine insisted on the boobs.
