Excuse me while I muddle through my Super Bowl hangover this morning. I had two Moose Drools, lots of handfuls of fake cheese crunchy things, one pork rib, some shrimp and a double extra helping of testosterone over the course of 4 hours. I think it's the residual testosterone that's kicking my ass this morning. (And Baby Quinn was snotty and hot and clingy all night. That's not restful.)
Here's a weekend wrap-up:
Saturday was a combination of trips to Target, Krispy Kreme, ice skating, and a birthday party. Yes, Madeleine is going the wrong way.

Sunday's chronology:
2:30 am to 3:30 am - fend of baby's advances (seriously, is this how grown men learn their moves?... what's with the pawing of the boobs and the slobber in the middle of the night)
5:30 am to 6:30 am - entertain baby by letting him slobber on the alarm clock and play with the clickie while I cover my head and try to get back into that dream with Burt Reynolds (who is surprisingly handsome and not at all creepy in real-dream-life)
6:45 am to 8:15 am - sleep, uninterrupted while Jim feeds the baby an entire box of saltines
8:15 am to 11:30 am - family stuff... boring part... have no idea what happened during this time
11:30 am to 1:00 - go for winter-y walk down by the creek, up the hill, back down the hill by a dead fox (30 minutes used up here while Jim and Madeleine examine the chewed up corpse. The dog stood 20 feet away barking maniacally.) Madeleine and her fake binoculars and harmonica and I played detectives on the Case of the Missing Dog Poopoo and the Case of the Missing Creek. Both cases were solved by stepping into said missing item.
1:00 to 3:00 - again, I have no idea what happened during this time - Jim had taken Madeleine up to his brother's place for some pre-Super Bowl shenanigans and apparently Quinn and I fell off of the face of the earth
3:00 to 4:00 - went to Ross and TJ Maxx. I love these places in a way that shouldn't be legal. If I were Jerry Lee Lewis, they would be my 15-year-old cousin. I bought Jim an ugly tie and two dress shirts (Perry Ellis plus Calvin Klein equals 8 dollars!), a workout video, some hoop earrings that are way too big for my tiny head and a grungy t-shirt that I'm wearing right now. I think it's cutting off the circulation in my arms.
4:00 until now - Super Bowl hysteria, feeding frenzy, and somehow a pack of assholes broke into our house, soiled all our dishes and clothes and peed in both toilets without flushing.
How was your weekend? Highlites?