It seemed like a big deal when I started the post 10 minutes ago, but now I'm having second thoughts.
Woot. We won again. Me and me mates destroyed all the other bored housewives of Montana and are going to Salt Lake City for the regional team tennis championships. I won't fill you in on the details, because they're boring. I mean really, really. I got another cups, though. See...

It should be full of Makers Mark - I need some o' dat. But if Ifs and Buts were candy and nuts, we'd all have a merry christmas.
My psych song for the weekend? This little slice of genius.
Edited to Add: My kids are not impressed by the cup. Why not? What is so terribly underwhelming about a cheap tumbler, tell me! If it were my mom, I tell you. I mean it, yessir. I'd be super whelmed. Full of whelm. Whelmful. About a cheap tumbler full of water. You could knock me over with a feather if my mom showed me a glass of water that someone had just give her FOR FREE!
Also, I'm a Leo, and I believe this means my birthday is in August. Also it means I like it when people take note of me. I hope this explains why today, in a short tennis skirt, I climbed a 12 foot chain link fence to unhook a US Tennis Association banner for our team to pose with for our team picture. Leo = climbing fences in front of people. I read that somewhere. But seriously, we all had some boob sweat going, as I was explaining to myself as I was hauling my ass up that fence. I was doing it for the boob sweat.

It should be full of Makers Mark - I need some o' dat. But if Ifs and Buts were candy and nuts, we'd all have a merry christmas.
My psych song for the weekend? This little slice of genius.
Edited to Add: My kids are not impressed by the cup. Why not? What is so terribly underwhelming about a cheap tumbler, tell me! If it were my mom, I tell you. I mean it, yessir. I'd be super whelmed. Full of whelm. Whelmful. About a cheap tumbler full of water. You could knock me over with a feather if my mom showed me a glass of water that someone had just give her FOR FREE!
Also, I'm a Leo, and I believe this means my birthday is in August. Also it means I like it when people take note of me. I hope this explains why today, in a short tennis skirt, I climbed a 12 foot chain link fence to unhook a US Tennis Association banner for our team to pose with for our team picture. Leo = climbing fences in front of people. I read that somewhere. But seriously, we all had some boob sweat going, as I was explaining to myself as I was hauling my ass up that fence. I was doing it for the boob sweat.