It's a new day.
I'm on a regime. It goes like this:
- Stop eating before I get to that point where my stomach is hideously distended and I want to puke. (Good one, don't you think? Hideous and puke are not words one should associate with mealtime.)
- No more than three slices of bread per day. (My first thought was to buy un-sliced ciabatta and cut it into thirds. I guess I'm the Barry Bonds of regime-making.)
- No cookies. (After the first day you'd think I was coming off meth.)
- Do something aerobic at least three times per week for more than 25 minutes. (This does not include walking around the house looking for my coffee cup, standing in front of the sink washing the endless stream of sippy cup rubber stopper things, swinging on the porch swing, no matter how vigorous the sway, or anything that is not jogging or biking. So that leaves jogging and biking.)
- Alcohol consumption is limited to two nights per week only. (Last night we went to a bbq with a keg of PBR and foul-tasting mojitos served from a mix out of a bucket. AND I HAD SAVED UP FOR THE FUCKING THING TOO. I must learn to ration better. PBR. Christ. I almost went in search of some old-school cough syrup.)
Jim is very excited for me:

Madeleine and Quinn seem to be unhappy about the cookie thing:

- Stop eating before I get to that point where my stomach is hideously distended and I want to puke. (Good one, don't you think? Hideous and puke are not words one should associate with mealtime.)
- No more than three slices of bread per day. (My first thought was to buy un-sliced ciabatta and cut it into thirds. I guess I'm the Barry Bonds of regime-making.)
- No cookies. (After the first day you'd think I was coming off meth.)
- Do something aerobic at least three times per week for more than 25 minutes. (This does not include walking around the house looking for my coffee cup, standing in front of the sink washing the endless stream of sippy cup rubber stopper things, swinging on the porch swing, no matter how vigorous the sway, or anything that is not jogging or biking. So that leaves jogging and biking.)
- Alcohol consumption is limited to two nights per week only. (Last night we went to a bbq with a keg of PBR and foul-tasting mojitos served from a mix out of a bucket. AND I HAD SAVED UP FOR THE FUCKING THING TOO. I must learn to ration better. PBR. Christ. I almost went in search of some old-school cough syrup.)
Jim is very excited for me:
Madeleine and Quinn seem to be unhappy about the cookie thing: